My e-books NEW!
I made a number of e-books, i.e. .pdf files that can be read on-line or downloaded. The books are all in the realm of toy and model trains:
- This catalogue contains all CIWL carriages from my collection
- Non-CIWL luxury trains from my collection pictured and described New!
- The Unauthorised History of ASTER
- The History of Elettren
- Gauge and Scale for Toy and Model Trains Nu ook in het Nederlands Spoorwijdte en schaal voor speelgoed- en modeltreinen et en français ÉCARTEMENTS et ÉCHELLES POUR LES TRAINS-JOUETS ET LES MODÈLES FERROVIAIRES und auf Deutsch Spurweite und Maßstab für Spielzeug- und Modelleisenbahnen
- A book full of tinplate accessories
- A catalogue of LNER Pacifics and New York Central Hudsons New!
- Pacifics from Continental Europe
- Steamliners – Streamlined Steam Locomotives
- Big Boy and other Articulated Locomotives
- Elegance on Rails – Atlantics, Singles & Americans
- Crane Trucks – Any make, Any gauge, Any age
- Railway Mail Carriages – Many Red Ones
- Cabooses – The End of the Train
- Ales on Rails – Beer Wagons New!
- Eight or More – Larger and even the largest steam locomotives New!
And as a coproduction: JEP S Gauge – The complete Collection
Also available in German/ Auch auf Deutsch erhältlich JEP Spur S – Die komplette Kollektion
My videos categorized
- Classic British 0 gauge
- French tinplate trains (Trains jouets classiques)
- Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens
- British Pullman trains
- Gauge 1 live steam
- Gauge 1 electric (steam outline)
- Tinplate trains in gauge 1
- Diesel and Electric in gauge 1 (Courtesy of brother Dick)
- Electrics – Trains with pantographs – in gauge 0 (Courtesy of brother Dick)
- 0 Gauge 2-rail scale English, French, German and American trains
- American 3-rail 0 gauge
- S Gauge in the garden
- Presentation of Boxed Train-sets
- Steamlocomotives around the world in H0 gauge
- Steamliners in H0 Gauge
- Night train: Trains in the dark
- Geheime spoor 0 bijeenkomsten
- Clockwork or wind-up trains
- Trains with coaches made by J&M Models
- Videos with “One Man Band” background music
- Elettren Trains
My Youtube Channel
Featured video:
Some other interesting pages on my website:
- The ASTER Roster
- An Amazingly Detailed Teak CIWL Restaurant Car New!
- Amati kit for a CIWL LX sleeping car
- Pictures and videos of a WUNDER wonderful Pullman car
- Pictures of models of teak CIWL cars
- Some pictures of an 0 Gauge CIWL restaurant car
- Some pictures of Fulgurex 0 Gauge CIWL cars
- Two British Built 4-4-0 locomotives – Staatsspoorwegen and Caledonian Railway
- Some pictures of Elettren FS locomotives
- Some pictures of Elettren fine-scale cars
- Pictures of OMEN 0 gauge people and CIWL cars
- Pictures of Nord 230 and SNCF 230D in 0 Gauge
- American Steam Locomotives made by RivaRossi
- Steam Locomotive Wheel Arrangements