An Amazingly Detailed Teak CIWL Restaurant Car

The small and not very well known Italian company RM (Riproduzioni Modellistiche) made around 2002 a series of very detailed wooden teak 1:32 scale cars. Here you can see a restaurant car with number 2418, which is an extremely rare small series (number 5 of a total of 8) model from this company. As far as I know one of the builders was also involved in the products of Dottori. The car is 65 cm long and needs a radius of 3 meter to go round a track. The car is illuminated, including the table lamps. The car body is made of real mahogany, including all the interior walls, which are inlaid like the original. All interior and exterior doors can be opened, the floor is carpeted. The tables are fully set, including flower vases and menus. The kitchen is also fully equipped as you can see for yourself in the photos. Even the cupboards are fitted with brass fittings, and one cupboard contains the folded tablecloths.

Here is a video presenting the car

And some pictures

The inside of the roof:

The kitchen:

The wine cupboard:

First class dining room left; second class right:

Lighted table lamps:

All doors can be opened:

The underside:

In a  CIWL train running through the garden